POS/me&u Relay via WindowsPowerShell

How to install / uninstall POS relay via Windows Powershell. When integrating a venue running Micros Simphony or Infogenesis you need to do so via POS Relay. 

Installation via me&u CMS

Navigate to Venue CMS > My Venue > POS Setup > InfoGenesis / Micros Simphony > Save. 

For a new single venue enable “Use me&u Relay” > Next.  
If there are 2+ venues on the same TSAPI / TPG you can disable “Use me&u Relay” > Next > add the venues Terminal ID, Auth Code & the API Endpoint URL from the primary CMS. 

Copy the text in the “Install me&u Relay” field and open + Run in Windows Powershell Admin mode (via right-click “Run as Administrator” or CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT CLICK) on the venues TPG/ATPG/TSAPI machine.

WPS Errors + Solutions

TSAP / Simphony is not installed on the workstation. Find the correct workstation where the TSAPI is installed via the EMC.

Adjust security protocol by typing the following in WPS:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

When uninstalling running scripts may be disabled, enter the following in WPS:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted > Y

Successful installation. 

Uninstall POS/me&u Relay (You may need to change the directory):
cd c:\meand” <TAB> > “uninstall” <TAB>


TSAPI - Micros terminology for “Transaction Services API”. Needs to be installed on a Micros workstation for me&u to integrate.
TPG - Infogenesis terminology located on the internal server which will run local services. Needed for the me&u integration.
ATPG - Infogenesis terminology located on the internal server which will run local services with additional functionality like me&u promotions. Needed for the me&u integration.
API Endpoint URL
Infogenesis = https://mnuprodposrelayaue.servicebus.windows.net/[me&uVenueId]
Micros Simphony = https://mnuprodposrelayaue.servicebus.windows.net/[me&uVenueId]/EGateway/SimphonyPosApiWeb.asmx


1. Does Windows Powershell have to be on a specific version?

The installation currently requires PowerShell v4.x. Download links to modern versions are available via Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-windows?view=powershell-7.3#msi
Can run “$PSVersionTable” on WPS to confirm the version. 

2. How long it will take to install?

Uninstalling the old proxy (initial integration method) will only take a few minutes, it will cause 30 mins max downtime.

Installing Relay at future venues takes less than 5 minutes.

3. Is there any extra charge for the setup?

No additional charge.

4. How many clients are on the new Me&U relay?

All Infogenesis Direct and all Micros Simphony Direct (as of April 12) will be. 

5. How does it work?

