Preselect Product Variants

Learn what preselected product variants are and how they can increase you ATV!

Preselecting a product variant is a great way to increase a customers average transaction value by promoting higher value items that aim to drive impulse purchasing behaviour. 

When a variant has been marked as preselected when the customer opens the product to view its details the preselected variant will automatically be pinned to the top of the variant list, will display a "recommended" tag and already be selected.

For example when selling a product with various size options preselecting reduces the customers decision fatigue about which size to buy and upsells them from a schooner they were planning to buy to instead buying a pint.

Another key usage for preselecting a product variant is when partnering with brands venues are able to promote a brand over others. This creates a featured product placement spot that brand partners can pay venues to be featured in.

To preselect a variant open the Product you want to edit in the Catalogue view in the Operator Portal and scroll down below the prices section to the field named Preselect a variant.

Click on the field and select from the dropdown the option you want to mark as preselected. Once you have made a selection click Save & Close.



Don't forget to publish your menu after you have saved the product

If the variant is sold out it will not be preselected and remove the recommended tag.

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