Add & Manage Products

How to create and change products on me&u

Adding a New Product:

In 'Menu', under Catalogue tab click the 'Create product' button.

Adding & Changing Product Details:

Enter the Product Name, as you want it to be displayed to your customers. This does not need to be the same as the product name in your POS. If desired you can add an Internal Name -  this will only appear in Operator Portal and Venue Manager, not to your customers. Internal Names can be helpful to differentiate promotions and sections specific items. Both the Product Name and Internal name are searchable in the Catalogue and Availability on Venue Manager. 

Select the Item Type - either Food or Drink. This determines the required image dimensions and which Categories the item can be added to, drink items in drink categories and food items in food categories. Item Type cannot be changed after saving and creating a product so be sure you have selected the correct one!

When selecting Drink, there are multiple different Drink Types to choose from in the drop down menu. These include beer, cider, wine, spirit, cocktail or other which can be changed after saving the product.  

Add a Description. This sits below the product name, use this space to describe your product for your customers.

Add an Image of the product. Products with images have increased sales than those that don't. Photos must have the correct dimensions - 800 x 560 px for Food, 800 x 1048 px for Drinks. For more information on taking high quality photos see this article. If you do not add an image, and have added a Default Image in Branding, this image will appear when the product is saved. 

Enter your products price and POS ID. A POS ID (often referred to as a SKU or PLU) is a unique identifier assigned to each of your products by your POS. We require this information to be able to display the correct product into your POS. 

You can add multiple prices for products that may have multiple price variants by clicking the "Add Variant". This can be used for glasses or bottles for wine, entree or mains size, small or large coffees etc. For each additional pricing, a Product ID. Note customers can only select one pricing option. Once additional price variants have been added, the option for a preselected variant will appear.  Preselected variants are moved to the top of your list and automatically selected, which can help guide your customers to the most often selected variant and increate ATV.

Add any relevant modifiers. Modifiers are additions for your product, i.e No tomatoes, Skim or Soy, optional extras, offering an item, offering a product that is gluten free. For more information on creating and managing modifiers please see this article.

If a product has multiple price variants modifiers with default to applying to all prices, however you can edit it to only apply to specific price variants. Click on the box that says "all variants" and then untick the variants you do not want the modifier on. 

Add the product to the the Categories your product should display within. See this article for more information on setting up Categories. 

Select any relevant Tags - Additional display options for dietary requirements and preferences that your customers can filter by. Tags include Dairy Free, Halal, Gluten Free, Vegan etc. Different fields and tags are available depending on the item type and drink type! 

Add flags to your product, these will affect product sorting and highlight specific items to your customers. "Most popular" adds a fire to the image and the Popular tag where Recommended adds a star to the image, the "Special" tag and moves the product to the top of the category.

Once done click ‘Save’.


The mandatory fields to save a product is Product Name, Price, Product ID and an Image - unless you have uploaded a Default Image in Branding.