Kounta Sync Guidelines

Kounta Sync allows us to build menus using data directly from the POS. Users have the ability to select specific products and modifiers they want to import direct to our me&u Catalogue, ready for publishing. Because data is pulled directly from POS, products and modifiers must be set up in Kounta & me&u in a certain way. 

Products & Modifiers 

Use internal names to avoid accidental re-imports and mix ups!

If an imported Product or Option Set has had no changes to re-import it, change the internal name first. Without an internal name, it will be impossible to find the Product or Option Set in the import page to re-import. 

Best practice is to duplicate the unchanged imported Product or Modifier in Operator Portal as many times as needed to avoid re-importing several times. 


If wanting price variants on me&u, then the products must be build with product variants on Kounta. Below is an example of how this set up looks in me&u and Kounta. 

Price Variant in me&u


Product Variant in Kounta


Modifier & Option Sets 

Best practice is that ALL modification is done using option sets in Kounta. Using a combination of Option Sets and Modifiers as Products creates errors. Option sets must be attached to the corresponding product in Kounta. Imported option sets turned modifiers must manually be attached to their products in me&u. 


Moving to Option Sets from Product Cross Sell?

Check the behaviour on POS. Toggle the products in the option set to “auto prompt on POS: No” so it does not change POS screen behaviour!

Modifier Rules: Modifier rules refers to the minimum and maximum times a modifier can be selected. Best practice is that me&u rules mirror Kounta rules. Modifier rules in me&u will still work even if not matched to the same rules in Kounta if they are more restrictive.

Print As Product: Print As Product needs be off on me&u for all modifiers - the print behaviour will be controlled by Kounta. If the toggle “Print item as product” is turned on in me&u, it will cause an error and automatically mark that modifier as unavailable in Venue Manager. 


Modifier SKU's looking a little longer than usual?

Option Set SKUs are of the form XXXXXX:YYYYYYY - the Option Set SKU being XXXXXX and the traditional Product SKU YYYYYYY

In the screenshot here Add Bacon is included in both Option Sets 357357 AND 448192. It can have a different price in each of these option sets and be restricted by different rules in those option sets