Bulk promotion codes

Bulk creating promotion codes

In the me&u Operator Portal, the Promotions feature allows you to create and edit types of order level promotion discounts that your venue offers.

  1. Open Operator Portal, then go to Marketing, then Promotions.
  2. Clicking on "Add promotion" will launch a screen allowing you to create a new promotion that you offer to customers.
  3. Enter in a name, and optionally an internal name (which is a reference for you and will not be shown to the customer in the app).
  4. Select if you would like a single universal code or to generate a list of distinct codes
    • For a single promo code, enter in a code that customers can use to redeem your promotion in the order app (Max 12 characters).
    • For a list of codes, enter in how many codes to generate (these will be generated in a CSV format), and the prefix for these codes (Max 7 characters).
  5. Select promotion type (fixed amount and percentage) and enter in the discount the customer will receive when they enter the promotion code.
    • 100% discounts are not possible.
    • Percentage and fixed discounts apply to the entire order the customer makes
  6. Enter a minimum spend for the promotion - this must be more than the discount amount you've entered.
    • For percentage discounts, the minimum spend must be at least $0.50 after the percentage is applied.
  7. Select how many times the promotion can be redeemed by a specific customer. 
    • i.e. If promotion is limited to 1 times, each customer can redeem this promotion a maximum of 1 time.
  8. Select how many times an individual promo code can be redeemed
    • i.e. If this option is limited to 1 times, each promo code will only be able to be redeemed a maximum of 1 time.  
  9. (Optional) Schedule a date range for the promotion to be active within
    • Setting a start date does not require an end date
    • By default the starting date is the current date
    • If there is no end date defined then the promotion will run indefinitely
    • If a start and end date are set, the promotion will only be active during these dates
  10. (Optional) Restrict the promotion to certain days of the week
    • Choose what days the promotion will be active for during a regular operating week
  11. Choose the time range for the promotion
    • All promotions must run in a time range during the day - by default this time range is all day.
  12. (Optional) Select blackout dates for the promotion
    • Selecting blackout dates will disable the promotion during these dates so it cannot be redeemed on these days
  13. (Optional) Restrict the promotion to only apply if certain items are in the cart.
    • If you restrict the promotion to certain items, the promotion will only apply to the customer's order if at least 1 of those items is in the cart.
  14. Once you're ready to Save the new promotion, click "Save".

Downloading the list of promo codes

To download the list of promo codes for a specific promotion:

  1. Navigate to the Promotions tab
  2. Select the promotion you wish to download. 
  3. From the Edit Promotions page, select Export promotion. The list of promo codes will be downloaded as a CSV.

Importing a promotion with a list of promo codes

To import a promotion:

  1. Navigate to the Promotions tab
  2. Click on the Add Promotion button
  3. From the Add Promotions page, select Import promotion. 
  4. Drag or upload the CSV file that matches the format found in the exported CSV which can be downloaded as mentioned above.
    • CSV is the only format supported
    • File must be less than 1MB
  5. Select Continue once uploaded, and the promotion will be imported along with the contents of the CSV