Service Schedules

Service Schedules allows users to apply additional time frames to services, removing the need to duplicate and manage multiple versions of the same service.

Accessing Service Schedules

  1. Navigate to the services via the management nav, Menu > Services then 

  2. Enter the edit service page by clicking into a service by either the List view or Visualiser view

  3. Schedule tool sits below General Information 

Applying Schedules to a service

  1. Click Add schedules button in the top right of the Schedule card

  2. Remove the active days you do no want your schedule to be active

  3. Click the dropdown on the right if you want to re-select an active day that is not applied

  4. Then using the time and end time pickers below, alter the times for when you want the schedule to be active

  5. Once finished with your setup of the schedule, hit save and the service schedule will reflect in the visualiser view (not supported in the list view)

Applying multiple Schedules to a service

  1. To add multiple schedules repeat the previous steps

  2. Sort order of categories and selection of sections applied to the schedule will be applied to all schedules within this service

  3. Apply a specific date range using the start and end date picker. You cannot apply and end date past the current date