Accessing Operator Portal & Venue Manager

Where and how to log in to manage me&u

Logging in to me&u Operator Portal

The Operator Portal is where you manage your me&u menu and settings. 

  1. Go to 
  2. Log in with your email address and password provided by me&u staff
  3. If you can't remember your password click the reset password option under the login


If you require additional logins to the me&u Operator Portal, or are having any difficulties signing in please contact me&u support

Logging in to me&u Venue Manager

Venue Manager is where you manage in-service features. Such as:

To access the Venue Manager you will need to set up staff pins - see this article on how to do this!

  1. Once logged into Operator Portal click 'Launch Venue Manager'
  2. Enter your staff pin
  3. Now you can access all the functionalities of your Venue Manager.